Monday, April 4, 2011

Loving Your Art

As Africans, its very hard to see us pursuing careers in the "Arts". Its as if to say the "Arts" are not important and it should be done on as a side hussle. The average African parent wants their children to pursue careers in Medicine, Accounting, Engineering, etc. Mostly because they feel its a more dignified career. The other reason is those jobs offer financial security, with the recent economic turmoil one cannot be so sure though. Which brings me to the question "Passion vs Money?"

I’ve had this conversation with various people at different points in time. Passion vs Money. One day I was talking to someone in an "Arts" related field and he questioned why I would leave a job that is paying me well (then I was working in Audit) to come into the field where I would be subjected to making peanuts for a long time. I told him it was something I was passionate about and the money didn’t matter. In actuality, the money doesn’t matter, not now at least; but it will soon. Some people may disagree but I do believe it’s the combination of Passion and Money that will make things fulfilling for you career wise. I’ll use myself as a case study

Money – I was making decent money working in a field I was not that passionate about. After a while, I lost interest in the job and I knew I had to leave. Working 12hour workdays was very painful, and I kept thinking if this was a job I was really passionate about, I wouldn’t mind at all

Passion – I am currently pursuing my passion, but the amount of equipments and tools I have to buy are killing me and now I have to cut down on some previous plans I had.

Now if I continue with my passion, while making it a money making venture, all becomes well. Not to say there wouldn’t be other obstacles, but combining both makes life easier. Moreover, the bible says Money answereth all things. What that means to me is: take the time to find your passion, figure out your niche and pray to God to give you ideas that will help you make it an EMPIRE!

Love your Art!

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