Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Country Rich In Culture: Ghana

Ghana is a country that is very rich in Arts and Culture. The people are well aware of this and are very proud of their heritage. For the non-citizens, Ghana is a really nice place to visit if you have ever thought about vacationing in Africa. A country that has gone through some major transformation over the years, it is seen as a peaceful, calm and hospitable country with plenty of things to do around there. Must-visit areas includes the National Park, the Museum, the Arts and Culture center/market, and the beaches. One can also take a tour of the insanely huge University of Ghana.

Enjoy below a few pictures from my visit there.

Picture taken at the Museum

Here's one from their National Park

And a final one of the beautiful Beach which had so much fun activity going on

Next week look forward to a more detailed break down of what Ghana has to offer!

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