Friday, April 1, 2011

A lesson in History...

Last month I visited Memphis, TN, for the first time and I have to say the place is nothing but a village. From the moment I got down from the plane I knew what was to come. The airport bathrooms weren’t as fancy, and the airport seemed really small. It reminds one of the Buffalo, NY Airport which is just as small. I tell no lies when I saw that even my village in Sagamu (Nigeria) is livelier.

One thing I did enjoy about visiting Memphis was the lesson I got in History. Martin Luther King was actually killed in a motel there. It’s now been transformed into a museum. I didnt get to go in, but saw it from the outside. It’s interesting that there was a Lady sitting outside of it, apparently shes been there for about 20yrs or more? and didnt want them to turn it into a museum. She wanted them to turn it into low cost housing, so she stays protesting in front of the place.

Experiencing History first hand was an amazing experience for me. I get to hear about MLK all the time, how passionate he was, and the sacrifices he made for his people are really inspiring.

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