Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I love Music. Well to be honest, I usually have a love and hate relationship with some genres of music. I remember back when I was 15/16 and used to live in Tampa Fl, name any latest Pop or Rock music and I would sing along with you. I was in that age were I watched a lot of MTV, in the process I got used to loving every kind of music. I even at one point started writing songs, in a bid to sell it (Ha-ha). So at that point I was not really a fan of Nigerian music but just like everything else, that has changed. I am totally in love with the authentic Nigerian artists out there. I am particular amazed at M.I and the analysis in his lyrics, so deep and thoughtful. Dbanj makes that party feel good music, and although some of it doesn’t make sense, you still want to shake your body and move. There’s Dr Sid who I’ve met once, and so in love with ☺., Banky W, Ice Prince, JesseJagz, etc

Anyway this week, Dbanj premiered a new track with Snoop Dogg. How they were able to get him is beyond me but hey! Snoop is on most people’s tracks these days (no pun intended) I thought the video quality was awesome! But the actual story was busy and all over the place. All in All Good for Nigerian music!

Kudos to Nigerian Music in all shapes and form! it.. Enjoy

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