Thursday, March 10, 2011


Jide Alakija Blog

Take a moment to click on the photography website link above, take a look at it but do not get too carried away, come on back and lets discuss.

The development of photography amongst Africans cannot go unnoticed. It apparently also seems to be the new thing; quite a number of young Africans now own cameras, either an actual camera or a camera phone. There are even more people that are beginning to do photography professionally, taking it as a very seriously passion and covering events like weddings, maternity shoots, birthdays, etc.
Another interesting development to take note of is the combination of photography and blogging. Like the example given above, photographers now use blogs as a way to connect to clients and potential clients while showcasing the work they can provide. It is obviously a great marketing tool for these photographers.
The African professional photographers market is male dominated with a few women in the industry. I spoke to one of the females who seems to have a deep passion for photography as an art. In her own words, photography for her started as a hobby, and then she figured out a way to monetize on it. She had to learn how to use professional cameras and also learnt how to use the editing software; mainly by enlisting the help of a mentor who already had many years of experience in the field. Today she has many clients who book her for their various weddings.
Her name is J’Blaze and more of her can be found on:

Photographs are awesome, they capture time and events. It's a wonderful thing to see Africans now venturing into this industry and excelling at it.

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